Business Spotlight - Simon Wilkes at Wilkes Group


Tell us about your business:

What do you sell/provide? Wilkes Group is a family group of companies that provide workplace services to businesses across the UK. Vending, cleaning services and catering supplies (non-food) are our three divisions.

When was it established? Wilkes Group was established by my Grandfather, Gerald Wilkes in 1946.

Where are you located? Spa Street in Ossett since 2006.

What is the businesses greatest achievement so far? Ironically, I would have to say the way we have risen to the challenges of 2020. We have become a key supplier to the NHS supply chain for both our vending and PPE supplies.

Tell us about yourself:

Where are you from? Born and bred in Wakefield. As a kid I would work in the school holidays helping as a driver’s mate. I came back from working in Sydney aged 23 and joined the family company full time.

How did you get into this business? We had just launched our water cooler division which needed managing and taking online. It was the perfect fit. They were great fun years.

What do you enjoy most about your business? I enjoy expanding our services and seeing our divisions grow.

How do you unwind on weekends? My time is mostly taken up enjoying being with my family and my two spaniels Louis and Rufus. I enjoy the odd game of golf if the sun is shining and there is a cold beer at the end.

If you had one piece of advice for someone just starting out in business? My Dad always advised to be sensible in business. Do not overstretch. Keep your overheads down as much as possible. There will always be time for that nice car or office once it is deserved. Delegate and surround yourself with good people who you can trust. In turn they will reward you back with loyalty and years of happy service. This advice has worked for my brothers and I.

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