Help get Wakefield winter ready and join the Snow Warden army

Wakefield Council need Snow Wardens to join their team.

Wakefield Council is geared up and ready for winter weather.

If severe weather hits the district, the Council’s priority is to keep the main roads moving and ensure that essential services stay open. The Council has over 4,700 tonnes of grit stockpiled, and will focus on its priority routes, which are used by 90% of the district’s traffic. Teams are on-call round the clock, to monitor the weather and get the gritting teams out when they are needed – day or night.

Residents are also being asked to lend their support during wintry weather conditions, by volunteering as Snow Wardens, to provide vital support, helping to keep pavements and areas around their homes clear of snow and ice. Snow Wardens will be asked to join forces to help their neighbours and more vulnerable citizens who can’t help themselves by clearing pavements, drives and local streets whilst the Council focuses on its priority routes.

Cllr Matthew Morley, Cabinet Member for Planning and Highways at Wakefield Council, said: “Our current army of Snow Wardens do a fantastic job in supporting their local communities and we’d like to invite more people to join in the team effort and help their neighbours and our more vulnerable residents.

“The Council are prepared as we can be to tackle the winter weather. If we have the help of our residents, we can all pull together to keep our district moving and look out for our neighbours, if bad weather hits.”

The Council will provide Snow Wardens with a bag of salt to use on public footpaths and streets, which can be replenished throughout the season. If needed, they can also collect a snow shovel and a fluorescent ‘Snow Warden’ jacket. Training and safety advice is given to ensure all volunteers work as safely as possible. There are also over 340 grit bins across the district, which will be restocked over the winter as needed for use on the roads.

To sign up to become a Snow Warden call 0345 8 506 506 for more information visit

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