Make words count this month during WordFest


WordFest is a new event to celebrate the power of words, to encourage young people and families to explore their creativity. This community-based festival blends digital activities, small scale events and community library activities and experiences, all promoting the message: ‘Make Words Count’.

All the district’s libraries are turning into WordLabs, with special classes taking place each week – so you’ll definitely try something new! There will be challenges to write a haiku about climate change, recommend favourite books, share the best Yorkshire-isms and make a word from whatever material people want. WordFest will also feature The Makaton Rhyme Challenge - an entertaining and enjoyable way to introduce children and families to some simple sign language by using rhymes. There’ll be rhyme sheets to help, a certificate to collect, a Makaton sign of the week challenge and virtual story times.

If it’s not possible to visit a local library, there will be plenty of opportunities to join in online.

There will also be a Word of the Day, every day throughout October so tune in to facebook (@WakefieldLibraries) and twitter (@WFLibraries) to collect them all. Use the hashtags #WordFest #makewordscount on instagram (@WFLibraries).

Visit /WordFestWFD for the full programme or check out for fascinating facts and amusing articles on words, books, family history and much more. WordFest runs until October 31.

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